Title I » Title I Information

Title I Information

The Homer-Center Elementary School Title I Department services students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. This School-Parent Compact outlines how the school, parents/guardians and the students themselves will contribute to the shared learning in improving the academic achievement of all students. This compact will help foster a partnership that will enable our students to attain the standards set by our state.

The Homer-Center Elementary School will provide a high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive, effective learning environment enabling success for every student, and
  1. Will treat every child with dignity and respect.
  2. Strive to address the individual needs of each student.
  3. Acknowledge parents as vital to the success of the school, its programs and our students.
  4. Provide a safe, positive and healthy environment in which each child can feel secure.
  5. Communicate clear expectations for performance to both students and parents.
  6. Hold bi-annual parent-teacher conferences to discuss student performance.
  7. Encourage parental participation in the decisions relating to the education of their children, as well as provide parents reasonable access to staff by means of telephone, email or meetings.
  8. Provide parents with effective and frequent reports on their child’s progress. Assessment information may be on-going and include the following: Homer-Center Title I Assessments, DIBELS Next, 4Sight and PSSA data, as well as various classroom assessments.
As a parent, I will support my child’s learning and will work cooperatively with the school. I understand that my participation in my child’s education will help improve his/her attitude and development. I will support the Homer-Center Elementary School by:
  1. Creating a home atmosphere that encourages learning opportunities.
  2. Sending my child to school regularly and on time.
  3. Encouraging the completion of homework and will take an interest in all work brought home.
  4.  Attending school functions such as: Back-to-School Night, Parent-Teacher Conferences, the Title I Parent Involvement Program and Yearly Parent Meeting.
  5. Encouraging my child to show respect for school faculty and staff, classmates and property- and will model like behavior.   
  6. Participating in decisions relating to my child’s education.
As a student, I understand that my education is important. I know that I am in charge of my own success. I agree to actively participate in my own education by:
  1. Arriving at school on time every day ready to learn.
  2. Maintaining a positive attitude about my schoolwork.
  3. Completing my homework on time on a regular basis.
  4. Reading at home to and with my family.
  5. Being a cooperative learner.
  6. Asking for help when I need it.
  7. Giving my parent or guardian all school-related information I receive each day when I get home from school.
  8. Being respectful to school personnel, other students and school property.
  9. Respecting myself and being responsible for my own behavior.
  10. Following and respecting the ROAR Behavior Program.