Jump Rope for Heart
Over the past 11 years Homer-Center has helped raise money for the American Heart Association by participating in Jump Rope for Heart. As a result of our student's hard work, dedication and caring; Homer-Center Elementary has donated over $100,000.00 in Eleven years to the AHA. To me that is amazing. Thank you for all your hard work and generosity.
This year our Jump Rope 4 Heart Fundraiser will be held: February 2021. More Details forthcoming home in the Friday Folder in February!!
The student's will be receiving their JR4H packets in their Friday Folders in Early February!!
Jump Rope for Heart Prizes usually arrive 4-6 weeks after the event.
If you have any questions please call the school or check out the AHA's website. http://american.heart.org
2008 Total: $4,000
2009 Total: $5,100
2010 Total: $7,500
2011 Total: $8,750
2012 Total: $10,970
2013 Total: $ 10,823
2014 Total: $ 9,731
2015 Total: $ 8,482
2016 Total $ 7.551.83
2017 Total: $ 7.571
2018 Total: $4,688
2019 Total: $5,301.68
2020: Total: $2,795.00
***HC Elementary was the #2 school in the Western PA/Ohio Region for raising money for JR4H in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.